Fill in your applicant's assigned code to submit your mentor letter.
The applicant received an unique code upon submitting their application. You will need to obtain this code from your applicant if they have not already provided it to you.
Mentor Guidance
The HLLA application will not be considered complete until a letter from the mentor is received.
For the Mentors:
The Mentor letter should include the following:
- Name of the applicant that you plan to mentor
- A statement of your willingness to support the HLLA applicant
- The characteristics of the applicant that you believe make them especially deserving of the HLLA award
- Details of your mentoring plan, to include:
- An estimate of the time you plan to dedicate to mentoring the applicant
- Knowledge, skills or life lessons you believe are the most important outcomes of your mentoring relationship
- Expectations you have for your HLLA applicant, should they be selected as the winner